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Video Marketing: Sell More By Showing How Your Products Solve Problems
KristenJul 14, 20206 min read

Video Marketing: Sell More By Showing How Your Products Solve Problems

Video marketing allows you to create a compelling narrative that showcases your products and attracts customers.

There is a significant opportunity for your business to provide potential customers and online visitors with a visual experience that’s compelling and irresistible. You can help others understand how your product works and, even better, solves their problems. How?

Through video.

Video is a powerful medium that lets your company cut through the clutter and connect with your audience. You can't personally demonstrate your product to each interested individual, but you can create an informative and helpful video that resonates with your target audience. By controlling the video's narrative, you can highlight everything you want people to know about your products, including the benefits, features, and value. From overview videos to product demos, show how your products work, solve problems, and help companies.

Many manufacturers have subscribed to this modern way of marketing and education, and they're seeing a HUGE return on their investment. What about you?

Is your company:

  • Reaching and engaging with as many potential customers as you’d like?
  • Relevant to your target market?
  • Competitive in your industry?
  • Generating a sufficient amount of qualified leads?
  • Hitting sales goals?

If you answered no to any of these questions, one effective solution is video marketing, a marketing strategy that has proven to stimulate product interest and company growth.  

When trying to attract new buyers to your product or service, you must engage their senses and connect with them on a personal level. Video marketing can do both. Read more.

For Brands, video content is preferred

Why Video Marketing

If you want to help companies solve their problems and you want your marketing to be modern, relevant, and competitive, then consider adding video to your marketing strategy. 

If you’re not convinced yet that video marketing is worth a try, here are a few other benefits to mull over.

  1. Competitive advantage. Your competitors are doing it. Why aren’t you? Increasingly more manufacturing and B2B companies are using video to market their companies, positioning themselves as modern, knowledgeable brands with an eye on consumer preferences and technological trends. If video isn’t in your marketing strategy, you’re losing out on valuable leads. In today’s fast-paced digital world, users want to be able to access informative and engaging videos, which lead to brand awareness and loyalty, but most importantly, an immediate or future purchase.
  2. Brand awareness. 62% of Google's universal search results include video. Better yet, companies that post their videos to the video-sharing site, YouTube, get ranked even higher in Google's online search results. This means more people will be exposed to your video content. Using video and taking advantage of YouTube's reach though Google is like talking into a microphone — it's a way better way to be heard than shouting sans a voice amplifying device. Simply put: more people will be exposed to your brand if you create optimized and strategic videos than if you continue marketing the way you've always done it.
  3. Engagement. Whether on your website, preferred video-sharing platform, or social media, videos generate more engagement than any other type of content. Video marketing is a great way to connect with your audience and build relationships with your customers. As a visual species, humans find videos more engaging and memorable than any other type of content. Plus, adding video to your emails can increase click rates by 300%.

    Video increases click rates

  4. Credibility. Videos increase your brand’s credibility by building trust with your audience. If they can see your product at work and hear testimonials from satisfied customers, it will build their confidence in your brand and products. What’s more, when a company offers consistent branding across all platforms — including videos — revenue can increase up to 23%.
  5. Efficiency. Video is an effective marketing strategy that attracts potential customers, but it can also help your sales team be more efficient. Think of the questions that your sales reps get asked repeatedly — all those FAQs can be answered in a short, helpful video. Team members can share the website page or YouTube link through email, automated sales documents, and chatbot. Or maybe you have sophisticated machinery or complex products that would be experienced through video. Give customers an up-close look and minimize your sales team workload. Everyone wins.
  6. More leads. 83% of businesses say video helps them with effective lead generation. Increased lead quantity and quality are connected to strategic video marketing within the framework of a broader marketing strategy. People want to watch videos, so take advantage of the preferred medium to showcase your products, what problems they solve, and how they can help companies work better.
  7. Increased sales. 81% of video watchers were convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand's video. That's a lot of people! If you're not creating videos, the chances are good that you're missing out on sales. Remember, product demos, overview videos, and testimonials build a compelling case. When people see and hear firsthand how a product works, they're inspired to buy. 
  8. ROI. Videos help companies stay relevant and competitive, raise brand awareness, spur on engagement, boost credibility, bring in more leads, and increase sales. 89% of marketers worldwide said video content as the best ROI, and 88% of manufacturing and B2B businesses said video resulted in positive ROI for their companies. If you’re looking for a high return on your investment, video marketing is a good option. 

Video Traffic Comes from Video

Studies show that 80% of website traffic comes from video. If you want to boost your website traffic, generate more leads, and stay relevant, video should be part of your marketing mix. Read more.

Clearly, video marketing is an effective way to attract, educate, and win over today’s media-hungry consumers, including manufacturing and B2B audiences. In this modern age, video marketing should have a place in every marketing strategy. 

So, where do you go from here?

Where to Go From Here

Here are a few video marketing facts to note:

  • Marketing videos can take many forms: explainers, presentations, video blogs (vlogs), tutorials, webinars, ads, customer testimonials, interviews, product videos, etc., and can be done in many creative ways, making videos more engaging than ever before.
  • Sales videos under two minutes get the most engagement. 33% of viewers will stop watching a video after 30 seconds, 45% by one minute, and 60% by two minutes.
  • 69% of consumers watch videos with sound off. Isn't the whole point of a video to have audio and visual? With video marketing, there are ways to address all consumer behaviors.

Viewer engagement goes down after time spots

But you don’t need to worry about these details. It’s not your job to make it happen. If you're convinced that video marketing has value, hire an expert to do the strategizing and execution. Work with a trusted internal marketer, freelancer, or marketing agency — whichever is best for your company.

From video strategy (what video type at what length targeting which audience) to filming, editing, and posting, having someone experienced handling the details will ensure the job is done right — meaning, the ROI will far exceed the upfront costs. 

TANK New Media wants to be your video marketing team. Take the next step to learn more.

Learn More About Our Video Services



Content Strategist at TANK New Media