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5 Examples of Successful B2B HubSpot Landing Pages
TaylorOct 5, 20214 min read

5 Examples of Successful B2B HubSpot Landing Pages

The key to a successful HubSpot landing page is a combination of organization, clarity, design, and intent.

HubSpot landing pages are one of your website's greatest assets. In combination with good calls-to-action, your landing pages can be a workhorse for your internet marketing efforts. Landing pages guide visitors by helping them understand the choices available and how your solution can meet their needs.

Website traffic visitors are directed to landing pages through social posts, blog posts, calls-to-action, paid ads, or similar pieces of digital marketing content. Your HubSpot landing pages should leverage inbound marketing best practices. The first and most important is making sure it has a clear singular purpose – getting your prospect to take a certain action.

Your effectiveness at getting prospects to take action is tied back to how well your landing pages are designed. Don't worry. We've pulled together five great examples of B2B business landing pages, so you can see what good ones look like and how they work.



Content_LandingPageExample_DamotechWhat makes this a good example: It gives users an understanding of what to expect while keeping content scannable.

You want to give your prospects a clear picture of what they can expect when accepting your offer. But, that being said, you don’t want to bog them down. If you overwhelm them with paragraphs of content, you’ll likely lose their interest. Your landing page should capture their attention, reaffirm you understand the challenges they’re experiencing, and help them know this is a solution to the questions they’re asking. Remember, the most critical best practice for landing pages is keeping focused on a singular purpose — getting your prospect to take a specific action.



Content_LandingPageExample_NautoWhat makes this a good example: You don’t need to scroll.

Giving users relevant and vital information all "above the fold" on a website increases your chances of converting prospects. By giving them helpful, high-level information about your offer or services then providing a way for them to convert — in this particular example, a form — you'll have a higher success rate. You'll run the risk of losing prospects if they have to scroll down the page to see critical content or take action. Make it as easy as possible for website visitors to access the information they feel is valuable and helpful.



Content_LandingPageExample_HubSpotWhat makes this a good example: Relevant and useful information helps support the offer’s purpose.

Supportive content on HubSpot landing pages can help influence prospects who might be on the fence about whether or not your offer is worth exchanging their information. In this example, they utilized bullets to highlight what the download offers and the problems it solves. Below that, they posed a relevant question to pique interest, hopefully convincing the few undecided visitors that the download is worth their email address. The goal of this landing page was to briefly but effectively address common questions or hesitations, removing any roadblocks that might be preventing action.


Carbon Clean


What makes this a good example: It gives users a preview of what they’re downloading.

One of the best opportunities you can work into your website and HubSpot landing page templates are ways for people to visualize their lives after they take action. This isn’t exclusive to landing pages on the HubSpot platform. You can leverage this best practice across a variety of digital marketing strategies. In this landing page example, they have included a graphic of the download that is available. This download has an inviting and engaging design and imagery that helps portray the offer as interesting and gives people references to their industry. Give your website visitors a clear understanding of what you’re providing them just on the other side of your landing page.


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Content_LandingPageExample_IndigoWhat makes this a good example: Data included on the page helps drive the authority of the download.

You should always try to provide visitors with reasons and authority as to why your offering is the best fit for their problem. Quotes from previous people who have downloaded the offer or content-related statistics help position your offer as authoritative and trustworthy. Giving prospects a teaser of download before filling out the form also helps establish trust and credibility, giving them logical reasons to justify their exchange of information.


Do your HubSpot landing pages drive the conversions you need to meet your business goals?

Knowing where to start when crafting a HubSpot landing page can be challenging. We totally get it. We've worked with numerous B2B businesses to help improve opportunities for conversion on their websites. And we'd be happy to take a look at yours to make sure your HubSpot landing pages are optimized for maximum lead conversions and the ROI you're hoping to gain.

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation and HubSpot landing page review with our team of experts today. Together we'll determine how you can leverage the HubSpot CMS and landing page templates to help drive your lead generation initiatives.

Get Free Landing Page Review

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Lead Designer & Content Manager at TANK New Media